sensitivity after teeth whitening

Teeth whitening procedures are the latest trend in the world of beauty, as they have become popular recently due to the aesthetic appearance it gives to the teeth and the attractive smile that individuals have and despite its benefits, approximately half of the people who undergo this treatment suffer from what is known as tooth sensitivity.

The severity of tooth sensitivity among these people varies from moderate to severe sensitivity, and they usually have gum problems, which increases the possibility of them experiencing tooth sensitivity and teeth whitening is a simple procedure that can be performed either in the dentist’s office or at home, and it is possible to get rid of tooth sensitivity through several methods that we will discuss in this article.

How to get rid of sensitivity after teeth whitening

Sensitivity after teeth whitening can occur due to several factors, including:

Erosion of the enamel layer of the teeth: During the whitening process, strong chemicals may be used for long periods, which may erode the veneer layer of the teeth (enamel), which increases tooth sensitivity.

Penetration of chemicals: The chemicals used in the whitening process may seep into the teeth, specifically into the sensitive tissues located near the nerves, causing sensitivity.

Gum irritation: Some materials used in the whitening process may cause irritation to the gums, leading to increased sensitivity of the teeth and gums.

Tissue shrinkage: In some cases, the use of bleaching agents may cause the tissue surrounding the teeth to shrink, making the nerves more susceptible to irritation and sensitivity.

Allergic reactions: An individual may be susceptible to allergic reactions to some of the ingredients used in the whitening process, leading to allergic symptoms.

Ultimately, people who suffer from tooth sensitivity after the whitening process should consult a dentist to evaluate the condition, provide appropriate treatment, and guide them on how to maintain the health of their teeth.

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How to get rid of sensitivity after teeth whitening

To get rid of the sensitivity resulting from the teeth whitening process, there are many steps that can be applied to prevent exposure to the sensitivity, which it should be noted that they differ from one individual to another, and these steps are:

Use products containing peroxide in smaller quantities

After undergoing teeth whitening treatment, it is preferable to choose products that contain a low percentage of peroxide, which usually ranges between 6-10%. Peroxide is an effective substance in the teeth whitening process, but it must be used with caution so as not to cause tooth damage and increase sensitivity.

Avoid excessive use of products containing peroxide, as this can damage the outer layer of the teeth and increase sensitivity, as it is best to consult your dentist before using any teeth whitening products, and look for products that include a gentle formula suitable for your type of teeth.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush

Using a toothbrush with soft bristles is an important step in reducing the symptoms of tooth sensitivity, as the soft bristles are soft and flexible, which reduces excess friction between the brush, teeth and gums and this correct choice contributes to avoiding irritations and stress that may cause an increase in tooth sensitivity.

Avoid cold and hot foods and drinks

Avoiding cold foods and drinks is an important measure to maintain dental health after the whitening process, as cold temperature may increase tooth sensitivity and lead to its aggravation, as it is recommended to avoid eating cold foods and drinks such as ice and soft drinks after teeth whitening treatment for a period of time to avoid triggering sensitivity

Adhere to the doctor’s instructions

Doctors may instruct patients to use specialized products to reduce sensitivity after teeth whitening, and the instructions for each product must be followed carefully and the doctor may also advise reducing the frequency of brushing your teeth after treatment, to prevent sensitivity or damage resulting from excessive movements, as if pain or sensitivity persists for more than two weeks, it is necessary to consult a dentist to evaluate the condition, as there may be other problems such as tooth decay or gingivitis.

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How to prevent sensitivity after teeth whitening

Some measures can be taken before and during the teeth whitening process to contribute to reducing the possibility of tooth sensitivity. It is recommended to change the usual toothpaste to a type designed specifically for tooth sensitivity, in order to enhance tooth resistance and reduce the possibility of sensitivity after whitening and during treatment, it is preferable to use home bleaching tools, as they are safer and cause less impact in the event of an allergic reaction, as the individual can also adjust the dose as needed in the event of increased sensitivity, as it is important to avoid sleeping during the whitening process to avoid sensitivity, and to use small amounts of bleaching materials for each tooth, while avoiding excessive application of large amounts, as this step does not accelerate the whitening process but can cause damage to the teeth and for more information and useful tips on dealing with tooth sensitivity after the whitening procedure.

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